Amalan Ringan Berpahala Besar

by Maktabah Santri

Books & Reference


This Android application is an explanation of light practices with big rewards by Muhammad Khair Yusuf. In Pdf format.The topic of this book is inspired by the words of the Prophet Muhammad: "He shouted this charity simply and he was rewarded abundantly." (HR. Muslim).In essence, this book is a collection of authentic hadiths, accompanied by descriptions and several short notes, which we took from the books of shahih hadith, which ultimately focuses on the problem of many rewards from little deeds, without accompanying them with deeds that can eliminate sin and error. For this problem, you can look at other books.Readers will find many amazing hadiths, because many mention great rewards from the deeds someone does or the dhikr they say, but with small portions.But Gods mercy is very broad. He is noble and merciful, giving gifts beyond human description. He also makes us happy to get to heaven, showing us the closest path that can take us there.But dont forget, that Gods merchandise is very expensive. To get it requires a lot of goodness, so that you can get it. Allah will multiply these goodness for you, and the Messenger of Allah explained how you can get them or accumulate them.In the first hadiths you will know how one of the Prophets companions was going through the halaqah of dhikr or knowledge council. In that assembly the Prophet conveyed a hadith to them and mentioned a practice that was easy and simple, but the reward was great. Then a friend commented, "How generous this is."Hopefully the material content of this application can be useful for self-introspection and better improvement in everyday life.Please give us reviews and input for the development of this application, give us a 5 star rating to encourage us to develop other useful applications.Happy reading.Disclaimer:All content in this application is not our trademark. We only get content from search engines and websites. The copyright of all content in this application is fully owned by the creator concerned. We aim to share knowledge and make learning easier for readers with this application, so there is no download feature in this application. If you are the copyright holder of the content files contained in this application and do not like your content displayed, please contact us via email developer and tell us about your ownership status on that content.